Oct 17, 2011


My mother has always taught her children the values we need to instill in our hearts and minds. These include words which she said should come out naturally for us as breathing. The following are the four expressions my mother always reminds me and my sibs never to forget to say...

1. "THANK YOU" (In Filipino, we say, "Salamat po.")

To say "thank you" is to express gratitude. We should always express our gratitude to the people around us- to our family, friends, and everyone who has made even the simplest thing to help us. Who wants to be called ungrateful anyway???

2. "EXCUSE ME" (In Filipino, we say, "Pasintabi po.")

We say "excuse me" to people when we burp (or in my case "belch") or when we pass gas (f*rt). It is a polite way of asking people to move when we need to pass on their way.

3. "PLEASE" (In Filipino, we say, "Pakiusap po.")

We say please when we want to ask for a favor from someone whether it be big or small. But never abuse it though. So how many times did you say "please" today?

4. "I'M SORRY" (In Filipino, we say, "Paumanhin po.")

I actually find it difficult to understand why a lot of people cannot even say "sorry" when they blow it. This expression can bring a big difference in our lives. So start practicing. Maybe somebody's just waitin' for you to say it.

I just love my mom for teaching me these words. Wherever I go, I always treasure the values that she passed on to us, her children. How the world will be a better place to live in if all of us will learn to articulate these powerful expressions.

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