Oct 26, 2011


People can be mean sometimes. You will be judged for who they perceive you to be just to satisfy their egotistical and racial prejudices. They will mock you, disdain you, and portray you as a senseless human being who is willing to sell your soul to the devil just to get to the top.

I just wonder why serpents exist. I cannot understand what sane person will plot destruction against another. In the game of survival of the fittest, they are the devourers who selflessly betray others to champion their evil causes. Their schemes are not new. Their ways are out in the open. They are dressed in angelic clothings yet their eyes are full of hatred and bitterness. Their lives are epic failures.

But let the saints go marching in. Let the happy people be envied. Let their way of life shine for the serpents to see that they are protected in the heavenlies. Let their lives echo the message of faith, hope and love. And let God vindicate them here and in eternity.

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