Sep 29, 2011


The Philippines is one of the countries hit by typhoons year in and out. In fact, Filipinos are used to finishing the alphabet, from A to Z, (which represent the first letters of the local names of the typhoons) in order to make a sigh of relief that the storm season will finally be over.

Below is the list of the deadliest typhoons in the Philippines according to

Typhoon Name           Date          Deaths
1. Thelma/Uring:         1991           8,000
2. No Name                 1967          1,000
3. No Name                 1897          1,500
4. Frank                       2008          1,410
5. Reming                    2006          1,399
6. No Name                 1617          1,000
7. Amy                         1951           991
8. Sisang                     1987            979
9. Rosing                     1995            936
10. Undang                  1984            895

Surprisingly, I experienced seven out of the ten deadliest typhoons which entered the Philippine territory.

Typhoons are no joke. I remember our roofs almost blown away by the strong winds that we had to put huge rocks on it when these strong tropical cyclones come. Living without water supply and electricity for two weeks was one of the worse typhoon encounters I had. 

Here's a video of one of the worst typhoons that hit the country, typhoon Ondoy two years ago.

As the Philippines is now being battered by storms again, we can only pray that God will spare people's lives and that the coming storms will not be as strong as the previous ones. Nonetheless, Filipinos are resilient and they have lived their lives battling all these typhoons and are brave in all these experiences. In the eye of the storm, they remain hopeful and undaunted and will remain as such.

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