Nov 14, 2012


(GIF image from
The Filipino netizens went furious over a now viral video of a self-confessed “educated woman” who said she was just giving the LRT 2 lady guard in Santolan Station a dose of her own medicine when the latter reprimanded her after she allegedly refused to let her bag checked by the xray machine. The student went ballistic as shown in the amateur video and she is now (oooops!) the latest victim of cyber bullying(pity her). The Jejemon generation strikes back at the student who because of her (unwarranted) act of self defense deemed it necessary to create a commotion to the point of “articulating her thoughts” in a language that she supposedly is very familiar with. The problem lies in the way she treated the lady guard who was (I guess) just doing her job.

What lessons can we get out of #Amalayer? 

FIRST, MAKE SURE THAT YOU ENUNCIATE ENGLISH WORDS PROPERLY SO YOU WILL NOT BE A SUBJECT OF PUBLIC SCRUTINY. You’ll never know if there is a video recorder somewhere. #AMALAYER has been trending on different social networking sites ever since the video surfaced on Youtube and facebook. I'm guessing that #Amalayer will win as the buzzword of the year in our country. (Wanna bet?)

SECOND, FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. You won’t get reprimanded if you live by the rules. The lady guard’s job is to secure the place from any untoward incident that might cause trouble for everyone inside the station. After the bombings in the LRT stations which are still fresh in the minds of the people, it is only but right for the management and the guards to tighten their security. 

THIRD, THE SAYING, “THE END DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS” REMAINS TRUE. If, (giving the benefit of the doubt to the student) the lady guard really raised her voice at her (which caused her to flare up), she still has NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER TO DO WHAT SHE DID. Maybe she was #NATALAYER. Yet, it doesn’t give her the license to act like Ms. Cherrie Gil (does on her movies and soaps) and demean the lady guard the way she did. 

LASTLY, EDUCATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE BREEDING. The student pointed out that she is an educated person, yet, her action, contradicted her own statement. It is never classy to make such act especially in places like that and be a scene stealer in a bad sense.

I read comments from angry netizens about the video and as much as I feel bad for the lady guard, I also feel the same for the student. Her two minutes of fame will go down in the history of the Jejemon nation as having given us the #AMALAYER fever. 

What do you think friends? What more can we learn from this incident? Sound off in your comments below.  

1 comment:

  1. Agree that the student shouldn't act like that. Raising voice because you have the confidence that the lady guard cannot reciprocate your language proficiency doesn't show the education you're pointing out. She should still respect the lady guard as an elder and as a person.

    Sorry for her, cyber bullying is hard to stop nowadays.
