Nov 10, 2011


(MARK 10:13-16)
(Full manuscript and video)

(IMPORTANT: For a better visualization of this narrative, please click the video below,
and follow by reading the manuscript)

Hi there, I’m excited to see my kids. I’m just waiting for them to come home from the marketplace. They are with their mom. My wife actually said they’re going to visit the temple first before they come back and have our lunch together. My children wanted to go to the temple because I tell them a lot of stories about it. My kids love Jesus so much. I really want them to grow up knowing Jesus as their Savior. And I’m the happiest Dad in the world because they always say “Daddy, Daddy, tell us more stories about Jesus!” They are daddy's little wonders, they are my precious gems. They are everything to me. Their names are Mikaella and Janella. I love them to bits. Oh well, I am just so happy because they listen to me when I tell them stories about Jesus.

Actually, I was a Daddy’s kid, too. I looked up to my Dad and I thought of him as a superhero. I thought he could do everything. I was in awe at everything he did. I believed everything he said. I felt safe as a child because of him. He always tells me that I can lean on him all the time, and that he was my refuge. I NEVER DOUBTED MY DAD. That’s why when he told me that one day I would see Jesus eye to eye, I believed him, and I eagerly anticipated that day when Daddy will introduce Jesus to me face to face. I have so much faith in my dad that I knew it would eventually happen.

My Dad was a carpenter, just like Jesus. He believed in God. He prayed a lot. And he told a lot of stories about our ancestors, Isaac, David and Jacob. Well, we are Jews. My Dad would tell me a lot of stories about David, Isaac and Jacob and even about how God helped our people from the "beginning". I was clueless of whatever that "beginning" meant during that time. You know, I was a kid. But I believed my dad.

Maybe you are thinking, how I met Jesus huh?!  Well, one day, Jesus took his disciples to the area of Judea across the Jordan River. And so he had another opportunity to teach the people.

Because he was getting more and more popular at that time, my whole town soon found out that Jesus was there. Everyone got so excited, and so were my parents. My daddy was so excited that he run back to the house from work and told me with his face lit up, “My son, finally, I will introduce you to Jesus. Hurry up!" My mom was so excited to see Jesus also that we wasted no time and ran to where Jesus was. My father didn’t mind the hot weather. He carried me in his arms and ran as fast as he could because the long wait is finally over! I will meet Jesus at last! Just as my dad promised!

From afar, I saw a huge crowd gathering around. Well, I thought they were intently listening to whatever Jesus has to tell them. Well, for me, to finally meet my Daddy’s hero is something! And I will see him literally in the flesh! That time I was thinking, “What does he look like? Would Jesus want to see me? What would I tell him?”

When we finally arrived, I realized that some of my playmates were also there. Their parents brought them so they could meet Jesus, too! I was so happy! I felt like there was a party! So we squeezed in until we could see a glimpse of Jesus. But Alas! when we were almost there, some of Jesus’ friends said that we can’t come closer to him. Oh..I saw how my Dad’s face turned red. So my Dad gave me to my Mom and then he started pleading to Jesus’ friends. He said, "Please, please, let my child meet Jesus! I've been telling him about Jesus.. and... please, give him this chance!" But I heard one of them say, “Hey you! Do not be stubborn! You can’t let your child come to Jesus!” But my Dad kept on pleading and he said, "Please! please! Let my child meet Jesus!" He was talking to one of them and I think that was Peter, when we suddenly heard someone shout, “STOP!”

We all looked at where the voice was coming from….and…it was..JESUS! And so he asked his friends to give way for us. What I remember was slowly, my dad and mom, and the other parents, brought me and my playmates to where Jesus was sitting. I could not believe it was happening. It was like a story came to life. And I remember Jesus saying, "Let the children come to me. Do not stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." And then everybody was silent. Then he took us in his arms one by one, and placed his hands on our heads and blessed us. I was actually the last among the children whom Jesus blessed. He held me in his arms and I hugged him back. I saw my Dad and my Mom smiling and giving me a THUMBS UP!!

Oh actually, that wasn’t the only time that I saw Jesus. I know you are thinking how it happened again right? Well, I can vividly remember the time when he was crucified at Calvary. When my parents heard the news that Jesus will be crucified outside the city, they asked me to join them. As a kid, I did not know what was goin’ on. I saw some people were mad like crazy and they were shouting at Jesus and telling him that he deserved to die. I heard them saying, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" They were so bad. I knew something wasn’t right. I was troubled…..I was….shocked! Honestly....I was afraid. Because the last time I saw Jesus, he was very strong and happy. He carried me, Held me in his arms, he laid his hand on my head and blessed me. It was so beautiful. I might not have understood everything he said back then, but that was the most beautiful, the most peaceful time of my life.

But the story at Calvary was very different. Jesus was covered with blood. I was afraid of blood and so I couldn’t even look at him. That was, the saddest I’ve seen my parents. When we came back home that day, silence filled our house. I couldn’t help myself and so I ran to my Dad and asked him, “Daddy, Jesus will not die for long, right?” He looked at me, held me in his arms and asked, “My child, do you trust me?” So I said, “Dad, I never ever doubted you.” And so he looked at me in the eye, and said, “One thing I am so sure of is that everything will be alright.” I did not know what he meant but his words calmed my heart.

After a couple of weeks, the news spread throughout the town that Jesus was alive! My Dad came home rejoicing and telling me that Jesus was alive and so I asked him, “Daddy, Daddy, did you see Jesus?” He looked at me and said, “No...but remember, I told you before that...everything will be okay? Trust me son, Jesus is alive! Everything is okay now.” I looked at my Dad and I was so confused. I just sat on the chair outside our house while my mother was cooking good food for us to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

My father noticed me wondering outside. So he called my Mom, and they came up to me and finally they told me who Jesus is and should be in my life. They explained to me who he was, and what he did for me, for them and for everyone...even for those people who were saying, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" at Calvary. My Dad told me that Jesus loves me so much and that he gives favor to a child like me. And then he said, “Do you remember what Jesus said when he blessed you?” Oh, that I remember of course, Jesus said, “The kingdom of God belongs to such as me.” And so my face began to light up again.

My father was a very good Dad. He told me more and more stories about Jesus. But three months later, he died.All he asked me to remember was everything that he told me about Jesus and for me to continue to believe in him and have faith in him.

Now, I am happily married and a father of two beautiful children. You know the Jesus’ stories about....what my Dad told me, I'm sharing them to my kids now and more. I told my kids who Jesus is and how he changed my life. My faith in him like a child never faltered. I trust him like a child trusting his Dad for everything. I trusted my Dad completely. And my Dad told me to trust Jesus more than I trust him. He told me to never doubt Jesus. He told me to believe Jesus everyday the way I believed him as a child and more. He told me to remember what I saw on the cross- that Jesus loves me more than I could ever imagine. And he told me to never lose that faith of a child in me.

Oh, I can hear my daughter calling me now…I guess I gotta go and meet them outside. I have another Jesus story to tell them. Okay guys, I gotta go…bye…..

The full manuscript of this narrative sermon can be used in any way possible provided that proper citations be given. Thank you and be blessed!

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