Feb 23, 2012


(image from hulu.com)

        The fact that life is a gift should lead us to seize every moment of it. Life is full of excitement, love and joy. Life is a gift that is worth living. As we live life to its fullest, who knows whom we could encourage, uplift and bless. Wouldn't it be good if we could infuse the joy of living life itself to those who haven't quite gotten the  beauty of it?

         We are pilgrims in this world, yet, this gift of life will remain with us as we certainly will meet (along with the many others who have accepted this gift and much more) Jesus, the Lifegiver himself. And when that day comes, we will all experience life to its perfection.

        Jesus, in a nutshell, explained this in John 10:10 where he said that he came to give life and give all of its accompanying blessings to those who have it. Life is indeed a good blessing from a great God. Every second counts in life. Every memory we make will go down in the annals of our history as our way of seizing this precious gift or unmindfully wasting it. The choice is ours. LIFE IS WELL WORTH IT. SO LIVE AND LOVE IT!

(image from smashingtube.com)

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