Mar 20, 2012


Christianity Today's blog dated March 08, 2012, reports on Evangelist Pat Robertson's stance on decrimilalizing pot in the US. He succumbed to the truth that the fight against illegal drugs for that matter has not been successful and that marijuana should be treated like any other beverage alcohol. (link=> http://blog. ctpolitics/2012/03/ pat_robertson_t.html) While the former US presidential candidate firmly believes that is now high time for America to legalize "pot", his position has been met with criticism and still majority of conservative evangelicals would not follow in his "pot ideology".

Although marijuana has been thought of as useful in the medical field, marijuana should be made available only when medically necessary. With much respect to Pat Robertson, there is no way that "pot" should be legalized and should be made ready for purchase to just anyone right at the counter.We need to realize that succumbing to the fight against drugs should not bring us to endorse it in the end. If the evangelist has already given up on the fight against marijuana (which i fervently hope he has not), then there are still those who are fighting against the dangers and the troubles that marijuana can cause.

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