Mar 18, 2012


If life could have been fairer,
what would you have changed?
If politics was ever clean at all, 
would our present be a product of a glowing past?
If nature could speak,
would you even dare listen to what she says?
If love was more important than riches,
would you gain more and lose nothing?

The "ifs" of life are things that we could only hope for. It may or may not come, but dare we not wait for it to take place to create and act as catalysts of change. There's so much more to do in a world where the poor are harassed and oppressed by the truth of corrupt governance.

There is a way to live life and live it now. Wait and you'll get nowhere. Act and and you'll see life get better. Cheers to you and cheers to us! Now is the time of change. There is no more waiting....

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