Mar 19, 2012


The heart and hand of God are woven closely in the life of Christ. Thus, we say, that evangelism cannot be separated from social action as evidenced in the earthly ministry of Jesus. He did not only preach about the kingdom of God but showed the way of the kingdom to the people. He extended the heart and hand of God by healing the sick and doing many other great things to better the life of those who were around him. 

Matthew 4:23 vividly depicts Jesus doing a socio-evangelistic action, "And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people." It is in this aspect that social action should always be associated in our attempt to bring the Good News to people. It is the action by which the Good News is anchored, the way of love of the Christian faith by which we are and should be known.

Evangelism and social action work hand in hand. It is not easy for people to see the love of God if we are not able to reflect it in our actions. On the other hand, if social action is emphasized over evangelism, we lose the whole idea of the Great Commission. They are intertwined as words and works create a moving revolution forward to a life changed by the heart and hand of the Master.

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