can make long sermons and encourage their congregation to help their
neighbors. Priests can inspire their parishoners to do good to others. We can all talk about doing what is right. Nonetheless, WHAT GOOD IS IT TO DO RIGHT WHEN THERE IS NO LOVE? I have learned in life that there is no way to sincerely help our neighbors without love. For without it, everything we do is superficial if not self-serving. We don't need recognition when we do good. We don't need cameras in front of us to show others that we are doing good. All we need is a heart overflowing with charity. ALL WE NEED IS LOVE.
To quote Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 13:1 (NLT), "If I could speak in any language in heaven or on earth but didn't love others, I would only be making meaningless noise like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal."
What are words if they are not coupled with love? What are gestures of sympathy if there is no charity? What are we without love? It is love that moves us to love others. Since God has loved us first, then we are able to selflessly share His love to our neighbors, even to the least of them. We ought to remember that love takes the highest form of spirituality. It is love that gives, and it is love that does not fail. Surely, we might be able to do everything in the world, BUT IF WE HAVE NO LOVE...
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